When the first season of WEB3WAR launches, the game will feature a native in-game currency that can be earned through ranked play and the Skill2Earn system.
Players will pay an entry fee using the tokens to enter a ranked game. At the conclusion of the game, they will earn tokens based on their individual performance over their opponents.
Tokens will also be able to be gained through daily or weekly rewards. They will be able to used to purchase cosmetic skins or sold for real cash.

Cosmetic skins for weapons, attachments, characters, profile aesthetics and equipment in WEB3WAR are minted as NFTs on the Zilliqa blockchain.
Unlike skins in traditional multiplayer games, they are owned entirely by the player and can be sold on MARK3T on the FUS1ON Gaming Hub to other players.
Skins can be purchased using ZIL or in-game tokens (at the start of Season 1), and they can also be earned in-game. WEB3WAR players can earn Blueprints from playing, which can be used to redeem a skin once they have collected enough.

WEB3WAR is downloaded and launched through the FUS1ON Gaming Hub - a marketplace and launcher for blockchain-powered games.
Registering an account in the FUS1ON Gaming Hub automatically creates a wallet on the Zilliqa blockchain for the player, where the tokens and skins they earn or buy will be stored securely.
The FUS1ON Gaming Hub is open to any games running on the Zilliqa blockchain or compatible chains, allowing payments between users, withdrawals and deposits, and the trading of NFTs and tokens related to games on the platform.
The FUS1ON Gaming Hub is currently still under development and many features are still to be implemented.